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Chronic Pain Resources 

​For People with Chronic Pain: 


Pain Toolkit - Pain Self Management by Pete Moore


Ways to manage chronic pain - NHS (


Action On Pain (


Pain Concern |Pain Concern | Bringing the pain community together


Pain UK CIO: A Charity supporting Charities who help with pain


Home - Flippin' Pain (


Douleur Chronique

ProjetTherapeutique (


Dr. Andrea Furlan - YouTube


Overcoming Pain |


Pain UK CIO: A Charity supporting Charities who help with pain


Chronic Pain Education: Central Sensitization with Madeleine Eames and Dr. Marc Lourens (


Talk with Florence Williams and Steve Cole: Open Mind Event, Heartbreak.


Resources - Flippin' Pain (


Tell me about your Pain Podcast:


‘Clinically awful’: why the pain of a broken heart is real | Relationships | The Guardian




Some open focusing exercises for pain:


Pain dissolving exercise explained.


The dissolving pain exercise - short by Tomasz Kopec




For Health Practitioners: 


Chronic pain: How a trial helped people retrain their brain to 'unlearn' a bad back - ABC News


The British Pain Society | An alliance of professionals advancing the understanding and management of pain for the benefit of patients


Impacts of chronic back problems (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016).

Effect of pain reprocessing therapy vs placebo and usual care for patients with chronic back pain (JAMA Psychiatry, 2021).

What do patients value learning about pain? A mixed-methods survey on the relevance of target concepts after pain science education (Pain, 2021).

Effect of graded sensorimotor retraining on pain intensity in patients with chronic low back pain (JAMA, 2022).


Research Areas and Strategy - Bath Centre For Pain Services

Jeremy Gauntlett-Gilbert


Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust · Bath Centre for Pain Services


What a Pain - Hosted by Konrad Jacobs and Glyn Williams (

Accueil - AQDC


B. Many excellent evidence-based resources can be found at and

Resources — Psychophysiologic Disorders Association (


Recommendations | Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain | Guidance | NICE


Podcasts •Feel Better, Live More - the best way to heal chronic pain & trauma without medication •Conversation on the Being Human Podcast •Interview with Howard Schubiner “It’s all real” Articles •Practice Update - Pain Reprocessing Therapy vs Placebo and Usual Care for Chronic Back Pain •The Harvard Backpain study •Neural Pathway Pain - A Call for More Accurate Diagnoses •The Boulder Backpain study


website resources •Official Website - Mind Body Medicine for the 21st Century Books •Unlearn your Pain (4th Edition) •Unlearn your anxiety and depression •Hidden from View Videos •Animated video series about chronic pain •Google Talk with Howard Schubiner - Breakthrough with Healing Chronic Pain




Pain, the brain and your amazing protectometer - Lorimer Moseley



Prevalence of chronic pain in the UK: a systematic review and meta-analysis of population studies | BMJ Open



The British Pain Society | An alliance of professionals advancing the understanding and management of pain for the benefit of patients


Overview | Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain | Guidance | NICE


Effect of Graded Sensorimotor Retraining on Pain Intensity in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | JAMA | JAMA Network


Effect of Pain Reprocessing Therapy vs Placebo and Usual Care for Patients With Chronic Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial | Pain Medicine | JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network


The Immune System Can Hear Noise - PMC (


New study maps out links between psychosis and our immune system - King's College London (


Immune System Abnormalities in Schizophrenia: An Integrative View and Translational Perspectives - PMC (


Clinical Pain in Schizophrenia: A Systematic Review - ScienceDirect


Autoimmune Diseases and Psychotic Disorders - PMC (


The Link Between the Immune System, Environment, and Psychosis - PMC (


The Immune System Can Hear Noise - PMC (


When Your Mind Disowns a Limb | Scientific American


costanza effect psychology - Google Scholar


Body integrity dysphoria - Wikipedia


When Objects Become Extensions of You | The MIT Press Reader


Proprioception - ScienceDirect


Dissociation and Pain-Catastrophizing: Absorptive Detachment as a Higher-Order Factor in Control of Pain-Related Fearful Anticipations Prior to Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) - PMC (


Dealing with Chronic Pain: Tips to Teach Undergraduate Health Sciences Students - PMC (


The Rubber Hand Illusion: Feeling of Ownership and Proprioceptive Drift Do Not Go Hand in Hand - PMC (


New study maps out links between psychosis and our immune system | King's College London (


​The use of the term 'chronic pain' in clinical practice | JPR (




Teaching about Chronic Pain
Lorimer Moseley: The Will, Skill and Thrill of Pain Education (


Leake_et_al._2022_-_Key_Learning_Statements_for_Persistent_Pain_Educatio_..._ician_and_Researcher_Perspectives_and_Development_of_Public_Messaging (1).pdf


Moseley_et_al._2023_-_Considering_Precision_and_Utility_When_we_Talk_About_Pain._Comment_on_Cohen_et_al (1).pdf


sound illusions - Google Search


Rubber Arm Experiment | MAGIC FOR HUMANS (




The History of Chronic Pain and its treatments: 


The Flexner Report ― 100 Years Later - PMC (




​Chronic Pain - Disability History Resources - Oxford LibGuides at Oxford University

Les Douleurs Chroniques en France et en Francais: 



Dr Marc LEVEQUE - YouTube


Les limites de l'antalgie chimique dans la douleur chronique, Journée de la douleur à Caen (


Nouveau compte - Gérer ma douleur (






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